YSA Melbourne
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YSA Melbourne does not exist in a vacuum. We are part of a community, along with schools, families, universities, workplaces, and fellow science organisations. YSA Melbourne places an emphasis in interacting and engaging with the community and helping them see that science was not just something for us to do, but instead something we all share.
We’ve enjoyed a long and successful history with partner organisations including the CSRIO, the Science Schools Foundation, the Australian & New Zealand Association of the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS), the Royal Society of Victoria, the Australian Science Communicators, the Victorian Life Sciences Computational Initiative, as well as an ever-growing list of universities and schools around Victoria.
A recent initiative is a partnership with MeTV for their student science innovation show Smart Brains of Australia, where year 7 to 12 students present their inventions to show what students can achive for science alongside going into the running to win a range of further scientific opputunities.
If you are from a primary or secondary school, university or any other group; and are interested in science demonstrations or hands-on activities, then we’d be very happy to discuss this with you. Just send an email to our vice-president science at: vp.science@melbourne.ysa.org.au.